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To summarise; to sum up; in summary

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Q: What should the first words of a summary begin with?
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How many words in a summary's sentence?

One sentence should have at least 5 words.

Whose words should be used in a summary?

Your own.

What words begin a closed question?

Closed-ended questions begin with words such as: are, may, is, should, well, have, would, and could. Open-ended questions begin with words such as: what, how, and why.

What is a summary of the first chapter of the lost hero?

The new answer contains problematic words, such as I don't know.

What are some words you should that begin with the letter z?

zoey or Zoe

Which of these should be written in preparing a summary main ideas all ideas exact words?

Main idea means summary of the story in short. At the end we should discuss what the author wants to convey and the moral of the story.

Should you capitalize words like an?

Unless they are proper nouns or begin a sentence, no.

What should the writer do to improve the fluency of these sentence?

The writer should begin the sentences with different words and phrases.

What should the writer do to improve the fluency of these sentences?

The writer should begin the sentences with different words and phrases.

How many sentences in a summary?

One sentence should have at least 5 words.

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