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There are several essentials girls should bring with them to prom and keep in their small handbag or clutch:

1. Lipstick

After eating dinner, you will definitely want to reapply your lipstick before you take pictures at the school again.

2. Mints

That garlic steak looked amazing at dinner but now your date is turning away every time you go in for a kiss. Don't let this happen to you. Always be prepared with mints.

3. Small compact/powder

Dancing all night can make you very sweaty and cause your face to become shiny. Use the powder to control shine, and also use the mirror to make sure your hair and makeup are still in place.

4. Bobby pins

If you notice your hairstyle is drooping or keeps getting in your face when dancing, use bobby pins to control it.

5. Roller-ball perfume/mini deodorant

Sweating also makes you stinky. Combat smell by being prepared with these essentials.

6. Kleenex

You never know when there will be drama at prom and either you or a friend needs a Kleenex to wipe away tears. Even if your prom is perfect and drama-free, Kleenex are helpful to clean up running mascara.

7. Cell-phone

Yes it might be big and take up a lot of room in your teeny-tiny clutch but I can't imagine going anywhere without one.

8. $20

Hopefully you won't need it, but having an emergency twenty-dollar bill on you is a good idea for everyday, not just prom.

9. ID

Some schools require a student ID for entry into the dance. Don't get all the way to prom just to have to stand outside the whole time because you forgot your ID.

10. Camera

How else are you going to capture how great you and all your friends look forever?

11. Feminine products

In the very unfortunate event that you have an emergency, don't let yourself be caught unprepared. That's a recipe for disaster.

12. Change of clothes

Even if it means that you have to leave the clothes in your car, you wouldn't want to drive all the way home just because your date spilled a glass of Grape Juice on your dress.

13. Flats

Luckily for you, flats don't take up much space at all. Don't stop having fun once your feet start to hurt! Plus, its a relief to remove your heals after all that dancing...

14. Something small to eat

You might get hungry before dinner is served, or maybe you don't like what's on your plate. This can be anything like a granola bar, a piece of candy, a package of fruit snacks, or the like.

15. Pain Relievers

Oh my gosh! this music is so loud, i just twisted my knee, my date keeps stepping on my toes, or anything else disastorous just happened!!! The only thing left to do is pop some Tylenol in my mouth and im on the go again

16. Batteries and a charger

Unless you have an awesome camera, you need spare batteries for it just like the rest of us. Don't let it die when the prom just starts getting good. Oh and by the way, what would you do if your phone died? youll need a charger unless you know the number by heart that you need to call...

17. Nail glue

Don't lose a nail and shove it in your bra, put it back on!

18. Lotion

Bring a extra small bottle of lotion, just incase your hands get clammy before you join hands with your date!

19. Sunglasses

Sunglasses are always the perfect addition to a not-quite-perfect prom dress

20. Pen

Wow you showed up single to the prom and left with a hot guys number on your arm... or maybe he left with yours ♥

Other things not to forget: your date's boutineer, and TICKETS!

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13y ago

Just take what you would normally take in a handbag. Mirror, phone, maybe some lip gloss or other makeup, tissues?, what ever you feel like.

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