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Q: What should you do during your third read of the multi-draft reading process?
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In order to make connections between pieces of information (APEX)

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Put these questions in the order in which you would ask them to follow the reading process from beginning to end?

During the reading process, a reader will often ask his or herself questions about what he or she is reading. Some questions may include name of the main characters, plot of the story, and conclusion.

Surveying an essay is done you should?

during the pre-reading phase.

During the reading stage what else should you be doing in addition to reading the text?

Marking the text with questions and comments

Which question should you ask during third reading of the muti-draft reading progress?

During the third reading of a multi-draft reading process, you should ask questions related to the overall coherence and organization of the text. This includes questions about the clarity and flow of ideas, as well as the effectiveness of transitions between different sections.

Match the questions below with the reading stage during which they are asked?

Pre-reading - What's my purpose for reading this text?Post-reading - Can I summarize what I've read? Reading - What information should I highlight or write down?

What stage in the writing process should a writer target errors in their writing?

It is proof-reading.

In essay reading techniques what is surveying in the reading stage?

The SQR3 method of reading says that during the survey stage, the reader should be self questioning and thinking about what they already know about the topic at hand. Additionally, the reader should be thinking about why they are reading the essay and what they hope to get out of it.

What should you try to do during the post-reading?

relate the new information to your prior knowledge

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