

Best Answer

it takes 5 weeks of antibiotics and steroids to get better

i mixed this in my pressure washer tank 35 gallons

i noticed the fumes took my breathe a few times

a week later i had walking newmonia [pneumonia]

they call this mix apple sauce on pw site for cleaning never again

A2. Chlorine is a highly reactive gas, and in your lungs will make hydrochloric acid. Which will corrode the delicate tissues.

This gas was used in WWI and has since been banned because of its horrible effects.

The correspondent above was lucky to get away with it so lightly!

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Q: What should you do if you inhaled chlorine gas?
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What is first thing you should do for a chlorine gas victim?

The first thing you should do for a chlorine gas victim is to remove him or her from where the chlorine gas is. Giving the patient first aid for inhaled chlorine does no good if the guy is still lying there breathing chlorine.

What element can be poisonous when inhaled?

There are several but one that comes to mind is Chlorine gas.

Element is Poisonous when inhaled?

Chlorine, which was used as a poisonous gas in World War I.

Can chlorine gas lead to incurable inflammation of the lungs when inhaled?

yes it can effect your lungs

Is hydrogen chloride a colourless and poisonous gas that should not be inhaled?

Yes. Chlorine is an odorless and colorless gas, same as hydrogen. It has a molecular compound of HCl (which same as hydrochloric acid or muriatic acid).

Are the effects of swallowing chlorine gas severe?

It depends on how much gas is 'swallowed' (inhaled). Inhaling too much can kill a person.

What happens when you mix chlorine and petrol?

Well firstly it takes a while.. But when you mix it in an open container its starts emitting a toxic gas (close to mustard gas) and is very dangerous when inhaled.

How does chlorine gas effect body?

Some amount of chloride ions is essential to the human body. So little amount of chlorine will not cause harm. If a considerable amount of chlorine is inhaled, it may cause damages and infections in the respiratory system. Larger doses of chlorine may be fatal.

Can you eat chlorine gas?

You can neither eat Gas nor drink it, you can only breathe gas in.And as for Chlorine gas, it is an extremely poisonous gas and should be handled with caution when around it.

Which is more dangerous pressurized liquid or pressurized gas?

It depends on the liquid or gas. However, certain gases, such as chlorine gas, can be very hazardous to your health, especially if inhaled because they can severely harm your mucous membranes. Overall, I'd say that gases are the most hazardous, because they can be inhaled.

What is the the state of chlorine?

Chlorine is a gas

Chlorine gas is a diatomic molecule Cl2. There are 6.00 mol of chlorine atoms in a sample of chlorine gas. How many moles of chlorine gas is this?

there are 6 molecules of chlorine gas