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The telephone, to call an book an appointment with the body piercer. Don't go doing stupid things with your tongue, see a professional body piercer and get the proper assistance you need.

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Q: What should you use to re-pierce your tongue at home?
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How can you numb your tongue before piercing?

If you are using the correct type of piercing equipment, you should not have to numb your tongue at all. Numbing the area before piercing could affect the healing process, and leave more opportunity to become infected. It is best to get a piercing done professionally, but if you are piercing at home, be sure to use the right sterile needles and tools. There should be little to no pain, making numbing unnecessary.

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You use your mouth, tongue.

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Your tongue doesn't change colour. It should be the same colour as your gums.. If your tongue is looking white/yellow you need to start brushing it. I suggest buying a toothbrush that has a tongue scrubber on it. Please invest in this, white tongues are extremely disgusting and make your breath smell horrible even if you use mouthwash.

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I should, it's my computer, in my home

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This is a relatively simple surgery, one that is easily performed at home. Simply use a sharp knife or razor and remove them yourself. There should be minimal blood loss and your mouth heals very quickly.

Do you have to use tongue when you make out?

Not always, you can just move your mouth while touching the other sex's mouth. You don't always use tongue. You can still make out with out using tongue.

To fix a crooked belly button piercing do you just let it heal and then repierce it?

If Its Not Too Far From Straight Just Take Off The Top Of The Belly Ring & From Inside Move It To Where You Want It To Go & Poke It Threw. It Might Bleed A Little, But Use Peroxide On It After & You Should Be Good To Goo , .. Well That's What I Did With Mine.