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Q: What shows the transfer of energy between organisms?
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The steps by which energy flows among a group of organisms is called?

A food chain.The steps by which energy flows among groups of organisms is called an energy pyramid. The energy pyramid shows what organisms get energy from other organisms and how much they get.

What model show the transfer of energy in an ecosystem?

Food web shows transfer of energy. It is present in ecosystem.

What is pyramid of energy?

a pyramid of energy shows how organisms get or produce their food

A diagram that shows energy moves through an ecosystem is called?

Energy transfer can be represented by the food chain. The sun's light is acquired by plants and converted to energy by photosynthesis. Herbivores (plant eating organisms) get this energy by consuming plants. The organisms of herbivores convert the nutrients from plants into useful energy by respiration. The herbivores are consumed by other organisms, for instance carnivores and omnivores (such as humans) to provide energy for their survival.Some organisms (such as some reptiles and fish) are ectothermic and require external heat sources to survive.

What is the transfer of thermal energy by collisions of particles of matter?

That is the conservation of energy. when particles collide no energy is lost but is transferred from one form to another.And this mechanism of heat transfer is called conduction.basically heat transfer is transfer of energy. conduction and convection but require material medium , this shows how energy can behave like particals. radiation on the other hand is a trasfer of heat which requires no material medium and shows how energy behaves like waves. so heats can behave as both particals and waves of energy. its called the dual nature of matter or energy since matter is basically potential energy.

How does DNA show relationships between organisms?

it shows genes and different genes

A diagram that shows all the possible feeding or energy transfer relationship in a community is called?

lol not sure

What does a phylogenetic tree have in common with a cladogram?

It shows relationships between organisms. It shows lineage back to the first common ancestor.

What type of classification system shows the relationships between organisms?


what Using the ecological pyramid, explain how animals we think of pests (e.g. mosquitoes) are important to an ecosystem.?

By now, you have learned that there is a lot of interaction between all the components of an ecosystem. However, did you know that we can represent this relationship between the energy and biomass of organisms through a simple diagram? An Ecological pyramid shows precisely this relationship in a diagrammatic format. The predictable changes that are seen in organisms are shown by ecological succession.

The food web is a good way to demonstrate the complex food relations of a givin area because?

Because it shows were the energy is being transfered to and from each organism. Remember that a food web shows the transfer of energy not who eats who.

Why are there usually fewer organism in the top levels of an energy pyramid?

because it shows energy transfer and how there's more energy at the bottom of the pyramid with the producer and less and less energy as the consumers eat them because they burn out that energy