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There are two main similarities between Mercury and Pluto. One is their smaller sizes, although Pluto is far smaller than Mercury. The other is their extreme distance from the sun. So Mercury is the closest known planet to the sun while Pluto was considered the furthest.

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13y ago

Jupiter's and mercury are similar in temperatures. Jupiter's temperatures are -222 - 438 degrees and Mercury's temperatures are -183 - 427 degrees

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12y ago


-Mercury is MUCH more bigger than Pluto

-Temperatures are different

-Colors are different

-Mercury is a planet, and Pluto is not

Hope this helps!

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8y ago

They both orbit the sun with orbits whose eccentricity is greater than 0.2

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How are mercury and Pluto different?

While the planet Mercury and Pluto have some similarities, they are quite different. Mercury is much warmer than Pluto because of its proximity to the sun. The year on Mercury is 88 days compared to 248 years for Pluto.

What are the differences of Pluto and Mercury?

Mercury is all rock, Pluto is largely ice. Mercury is a planet, Pluto was recently demoted from planet status. Mercury is the closest to the sun, Pluto the farthest away. Mercury is very hot, Pluto is very cold.

Do Mercury and Pluto have moons?

Pluto has 5 moons, Mercury has 0.

Can you fit Pluto into Mercury?

yes because Pluto is smaller than mercury

Why is it hotter on Mercury than Pluto?

It is hotter on Mercury than it is on Pluto because Mercury is much closer to the Sun. Pluto is no longer considered a planet.

Is Pluto only larger than Mercury?

Pluto is not larger than Mercury. Pluto is the smallest planet in the solar system and it only has a diameter of 1413 miles.

How far away in Pluto to Mercury?

Pluto and Mercury are about 3.66 billion miles apart.

How fast is mercury orbiting around Pluto?

Mercury doesn't orbit Pluto; it orbits the sun.

Which planet is closest to the sun mercury earth Jupiter Pluto?

Mercury. P.S. Pluto is not a planet.

What is the area between Mercury and Pluto?

Pluto is about 5,913 million km from the sun (on average). Mercury is about 58 million km from the sun. Mercury is about 5,855 million km from Pluto.

Which planet is smaller than Pluto?

Pluto is no longer considered a planet, it is now classified as a "Dwarf Planet". As a planet or a dwarf planet, Pluto was the smallest in our solar system. Mercury is now the smallest recognised planet. Pluto's equatorial diameter is 2,274 km. Mercury's equatorial diameter is 4,880 km.

What planet is more massive Pluto or mercury?

Mercury, which is over twenty times the mass of (minor planet) Pluto.