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Q: What skull fracture causes loss of smell?
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How long does it take to heal a skull fracture?

Skull fractures take a few months to heal. When fracturing the skull the healing process takes a lot longer than any other fracture, like a fracture in the wrist or foot. Because of how much was damage and depending on the area of the fracture and the extent of the damage, the healing process could take up to a year, and in some cases even longer. Once you fracture your skull the healing process also includes the healing of the brain itself. You can't just fracture the skull and get on with your life. Depending on the force that fractured your skull you can end up with memory loss, brain damage, and other nerve problems.

What causes dents and ridges in the older human skull?

Dents in the older human skull can be caused by a decrease in bone density due to conditions like osteoporosis. Ridging on the skull can result from the natural process of bone remodeling, where bone is either resorbed or deposited. Additionally, external factors such as injury or trauma can also lead to dents and ridges in the skull over time.

How do you fix a fractured skull?

Skull fractures take a few months to heal. When fracturing the skull the healing process takes a lot longer than any other fracture, like a fracture in the wrist or foot. Because of how much was damage and depending on the area of the fracture and the extent of the damage, the healing process could take up to a year, and in some cases even longer. Once you fracture your skull the healing process also includes the healing of the brain itself. You can't just fracture the skull and get on with your life. Depending on the force that fractured your skull you can end up with memory loss, brain damage, and other nerve problems.

How did doctors check for skull fractprs before the X-Ray?

Before x-rays, doctors would have had to carefully feel the scalp for fractures. They would also have had to monitor the patient very carefully for the side effects caused by a skull fracture - such as bleeding in or around the brain, loss of memory, vomiting, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

What part of which bone is fractured to cause loss of the sense of smell?

The cribriform of the ethmoid bone causes anosmia.

Why have I not been able to smell or taste anything for at least 7days?

Without assessing you, it is hard to say. However, if you have had any sinus congestion, a runny nose, or some other similar upper airway symptom, your ability to smell/taste may be diminished. (Generally the loss of taste follows a loss of smell, as smell contributes significantly to taste.) There are other causes, such as problems with the cranial nerves. It this loss of smell and taste persists, you should be evaluated by a health care professional.

Does hearing loss affect your sense of smell?

Hearing loss will not usually affect a persons sense of smell.

How does smoking cause loss of smell?

I causes a constant allergic reaction in the upper respiratory tract, leading to chronic inflammations, thus affecting the smell sense, which means causing damage to your olfactory system.

What bone contains the cribriform plate?

A fractured cribriform plate can result in cerebrospinal fluid leaking into the nose and loss of sense of smell.

How much cholesterol is in a banana?

No bananas do not contain cholesterol in them :) x

I lost my sense of smell after a car accident can my loss of smell be fixed?
