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1d ago

Marble is composed of small particles of calcite or dolomite minerals, which are crystalline forms of calcium carbonate. These particles give marble its unique texture and appearance.

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Why do marble particles stay together rather than mixing with water particles?

Marble particles are held together by strong intermolecular forces such as ionic or covalent bonds, which prevent them from mixing with water particles. Additionally, marble is insoluble in water, meaning it does not dissolve or mix with the water molecules. The physical properties of marble and water also play a role in their inability to mix with each other.

Why does a small marble go faster than a big marble?

A smaller marble will typically have less mass than a larger marble, which means it requires less force to accelerate it to a higher speed. Additionally, smaller marbles experience less air resistance as they roll, allowing them to maintain their speed more easily.

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What happens to the particles when limestone forms marble?

The intense heat makes the calcium and carbonate particles arrange themselves in a new pattern of bigger crystals which interlock tightly. A new rock- Marble is formed.

Will a big marble go faster than a small marble and why?

A bigger marble will go faster because it has more weight.

How much does a small toy marble weigh?

A small toy marble typically weighs about 1 gram.

What is a type of banned marble from Mexico used for carving small figurines?

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What would likely cause an inscription on marble gravestone to become more difficult to read?

Marble is not a very robust stone. In terms of natural causes, marble is easily dissolved by acids - even relatively mild ones - so acid rain is one possible cause. Erosion by wind blown sand other other small particles is another.

Is marble made of small or large crystals?

small, rapid colling

What do marble salamanders eat?

small bugs

How do you get water out of marble?

If you combine it with an acid, it will react and release a small amount of water but the marble will be destroyed completely.