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A conductor leads the orchestra with a baton.

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Blessing Udofia

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What are the tools a music conductor uses
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13y ago

A baton

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a baton

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Q: What sort of instrument or tool does a conducter use to guide an orchestra?
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What sort of instrument or tool does a conductor use to guide an orchestra?

A baton

What sort of instrument or tolol does conductor use to guide an orchestra?

That little stick they use is called a "baton."

What sort of tool is conductor use to guide an orchestra?

That stick they wave around is called a baton.

What sort of instrument or tool does a conductor use to guide an orchstra?

a baton

What sort instrument is a drum?

Its a percussion instrument.

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A wind instrument.

What sort of instrument is the trombone?

A brass instrument with a slide to make notes

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What sort of instrument is trombone?

Low brass

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It belongs to the Brass family

I want to make an instrument for school ... what do you make?

Easiest project would be to create a stringed instrument of some sort.

Is it important to childrento learn to play at least one musical instrument?

I think it is because it gives that child a broader outlook on life and it helps teach them self-discipline, how to work with others (*assuming they would take it further into being in a band or orchestra of some sort*), and to work hard to accomplish an overall goal. Also, children in bands or orchestras or that play instruments of some sort statistically make better grades than students who don't play an instrument. I would suggest 'yes' on the answer. :)