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24m ago

Aerobic respiration requires oxygen from the air to convert glucose into energy. During this process, oxygen is used to break down glucose into carbon dioxide, water, and ATP, which is the cell's energy source. Without oxygen, aerobic respiration cannot occur efficiently.

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Q: What sort of respiration needs oxygen from the air?
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What is the sort of respiration that needs oxygen from the air?

Aerobic respiration requires oxygen from the air to convert glucose into energy in the form of ATP. This process takes place in the mitochondria of cells and is more efficient than anaerobic respiration.

What respiration needs oxygen from air?

aerobic respiration

Is oxidative respiration an aerobic process?

True, aerobic means that it needs oxygen. Oxidative respiration is cellular respiration with oxygen as the final acceptor at the end of the cycle.

What substance is removed from the air by living things for respiration?

In the process of respiration OXYGEN is taken in from the atmoshpere and CO2 is released.

Plenty of oxygen?

Having plenty of oxygen is crucial for supporting aerobic respiration in organisms, allowing them to produce energy efficiently. In aquatic environments, dissolved oxygen is essential for the survival of aquatic organisms like fish and other aquatic species.@RequestParam

How do the processess of photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together?

both of which are released into the air during respiration. And during respiration, the plant needs oxygen and glucose, which are both produced through photosynthesis!

What are the main differences between aerobic respiration and cellular respiration?

Aerobic means with oxygen/air. Anaerobic means without oxygen/air.

Is oxygen a byproduct of respiration?

Oxygen is a product of respiration by plants that contain chlorophyll and consume carbon dioxide. Oxygen is a reactant in respiration by air-breathing animals.

Where do animals get oxygen for cell respiration?

the air

inspired air rich in oxygen?

Inspired air is drawn into the lungs during inhalation, bringing with it a higher concentration of oxygen compared to the air exhaled. This oxygen is exchanged in the alveoli of the lungs for carbon dioxide, which is then exhaled. This process is essential for cellular respiration and providing the body with the oxygen it needs for energy production.

How does a crab get oxygen?

Crabs have gills that extract oxygen from water. As water flows over the gills, oxygen diffuses into the crab's bloodstream, allowing the crab to obtain the oxygen it needs for respiration.

What takes oxygen out of air for respiration?

the breaths we take