

What space shuttle was reused?

Updated: 7/1/2024
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The space shuttle that was reused was the Space Shuttle Orbiter, a part of NASA's Space Shuttle system. The first orbiter to be reused was Columbia, followed by Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.

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What spacecraft that can be reused?

The American space shuttle.

What nasa spacecraft was made to be reused?

The space shuttle.

What was the first spacecraft to be reused?

Th space shuttle columbia.

What part of the space shuttle cannot be reused?

The external fuel tank of the space shuttle cannot be reused. It is a one-time use component that is jettisoned and burns up in the atmosphere upon reentry.

What part of the space shuttle is not resusabe?

The Space Shuttle's large rust colored external tank cannot be reused. It burns up upon reentry into the atmosphere.

What are the two parts parts that can be reused on a space shuttle?

The two white SRBS and the orbiter itself.

Do the space shuttle rockets get reused?

No, the space shuttle rockets are not reused. After each launch, the boosters and main engines are typically discarded and new ones are used for subsequent flights.

What benefits does a space shuttle have that a earlier spacecraft didn't?

Some benefits of a space shuttle compared to earlier spacecraft include the ability to be reused for multiple missions, the capability to bring back larger payloads to Earth, and the ability to deploy and retrieve satellites in orbit. Additionally, the space shuttle allowed for longer duration missions in space.

Can a space shuttle make more than one trip into space?

Yes, the space shuttle was designed for multiple trips into space. Each shuttle was designed to be reused for several missions, reducing the cost of space travel. The shuttle would go through thorough inspections and refurbishment between missions to ensure it was safe for each trip.

How does space shuttle work?

first the rocket boosters carry it into space then the external tank pushes the shuttle above earth then when the shuttle is ready the external tank falls off and the shuttle is ready for its mission then after its mission the shuttle lands and blows out a parachute come out from the back to help the shuttle slow down.any parts from the rocket or shuttle can be reused except the external tank.

Which parts of a space shuttle are re-used?

The orbiter itself and the Solid Rocket Boosters are reused, although parts are continually replaced.

Is a space shuttle reusable?

Yes, the Space Shuttle was designed to be reusable, with the orbiter being the only part that was meant to return to Earth and be reused for multiple missions. The solid rocket boosters and external fuel tank were not reusable.