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In the book, she makes a fire with her wand as Devil's Snare does not like heat and light. In the movie she stops struggling because the Devil's Snare holds you more tightly if you fight against it. she relaxes to fall through it then performs a light spell "luminos" to create light to kill it

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9y ago
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Emma Fraser

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3y ago
Yes, because Ron wouldn't stop struggling, so she needed to remember the spell that defeats the Devil's Snare.
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10y ago

LUMOS SOLEM (LUMOS, L. "light" + SOL, L. "of the sun" = L. "light of the sun" / "Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare, it's deadly fun, but will sulk in the sun. That's it! Devil's Snare hates sunlight!" - Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Phillosopher's Stone film)

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11y ago

Lumos Holem I believe it's spelt.

"Devil Snare is deadly fun, but will sulk in the sun". When cast the wand produces a bright ray of light (maybe sunlight) causing the plant to sort of shrivel.

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14y ago

She uses the "Sunlight Spell" to kill the Devil's Snare.

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11y ago

Expecto Patronum, which is the Patronus Charm.

If the casters memory is strong enough, it will produce a corporeal patronus in the form of an animal that represents the caster.

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12y ago

She doesn't she uses a locket and spins it backwords

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8y ago

Hermione Granger uses a spell that creates sunlight. In the book it is not named, in the movie she uses Lumos Solem.

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12y ago

Petrificus Totalus

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Q: What spell in the movie does Hermione use to get rid of the devil snare?
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It doesn't have a name. But she also uses it to scare off the Devil's Snare at the end of the first book. That's about all Rowling says about it. Actually, the name of the spell that Hermione uses to set Snape's cloak on fire is Lacarnum Inflamaray (most likely spelt wrong) and the spell she uses on the devlis snare is luminous solem (again most likely spelt wrong)

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