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Q: What state are the ionic solids in at room temperature?
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What are ionic compound's usual state at room temperature?

Ionic compounds are generally solids at room temperature.

In which state do ionic compounds usually exist at room temperature?

due to strong electrostatic forces ionic compounds usually exist as solids at room temperature.

Are most ionic compounds solids?

At room temperature, most ionic compounds are solids.

Ionic compounds tend to be what at room temperature?


Most ionic compounds Are?

At room temperature, most ionic compounds are solids.

At room temperature ionic bonds are strong enough to cause all ionic compounds to become?

they would be solids at room temperature.

Are ionic bonds solids at room temperature?

Yep they sure are.

What state are molecular compounds at room temperature?

Ionic compounds are solids at room temperature whereas molecular substances as a group are variable in their states of matter - some are solids, but many are liquids or gases.

Which state are ionic compound at room temperature?

The usual state of an ionic compound at room temperature and pressure is usually solid because the ions in the ionic compound are held by strong ionic bonds that requires a large amount of energy to overcome these bonds.

Most common state at room temperature for metal?

Most metals at room temperature are solids

What type of compounds can exist as liquids solids or gases?

Ionic compounds conduct electricity as liquids and in solution.

Ionic compounds are normally in which physical state at room temperature?

Solidlike salt (NaCl) which is an Ionic compound.