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Palestinians are Arabs, who are repudiated now by other Arab states, and live in Israel (including the west bank and Gaza). Before 1922, (and even after) the Northern inhabitants of the British mandate of Palestine considered themselves Syrian, and the southern inhabitants Egyptian. This was because in the mid 19th century, due to the sparsity of population (about 15,000), the above countries relocated inhabitants to the historic land of Israel, which in the ottoman empire was a sub-province of Syria. The name "Palestinian" was re-used by the British, who took it from the Romans when they renamed Judea to Palestine. All inhabitants, Jewish and Arabs, were considered Palestinians. After Israel's Independence in 1948, Jews became Israelis and Arabs were conquered by Egypt and Jordan and became citizens of those states. When Israel defeated them in 1967, the Arabs in the land of Israel (which was part of the British Mandate) repudiated their previous citizenship and are trying by terror to achieve independence. The Egyptian-Israeli and Jordanian-Israeli peace agreements defined an Autonomy for those Arabs

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Q: What state do the Palestinians belong to?
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Most Arabs are Muslim. Palestinians are not arabs. Palestinians are people who lived in Israel before it became a state in 1948 and was called Palestine. palestininans could be of any religion, therefore. A lot of the people living in Palestine were Arab Muslims.

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