

What state of matter is a pencil?

Updated: 6/1/2024
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BAmezquitaPerez 2995...

Lvl 1
2y ago
what is the matter of a pencil
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1w ago

A pencil is in the solid state of matter.

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3y ago

Solid ;-;

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Q: What state of matter is a pencil?
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What is a Matter of a pencil?


Is a pencil matter?

Yes, a pencil is made of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space, and a pencil fits those criteria. It is composed of materials such as wood, graphite, and sometimes metal.

Is a pencil eraser an example of matter?

Yes, a pencil eraser is an example of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space, and a pencil eraser fits this definition as it is a physical substance made up of atoms and molecules.

Why is shadowing a pencil different type of physical change than freezing water to ice?

In the first case the state of matter is not changed.

Does it really matter in what position your hand holds a pencil?

it does not matter if you hold it in your right or left hand. Nor does it matter your grip, however, your hand will tire faster, and your pencil strokes will be less fluid if you hold the pencil too tightly.

Does a pencil or a paper clip have more mass?

A pencil has more mass than a paper clip no matter how big the pencil is.

Is a pencil made of matter?

The "lead" in a number two pencil is graphite. Because it is the color of lead, it is called that...but it's actually graphite, a lubricant. So if you get your zipper stuck, draw on it with a number two works!

What matter is found in pencil?

Graphite is used in pencils.

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why is a pencil called a pencil? same reason

Is it a state reqirment for dentist to chart in blue and red pencil?

i need to known if it is a requirement by state boards to have doctors chart in red and blue pencil

What is an example of an matter?

An example of matter is anything around you. Ex. Book, Chair, Computar, or a pencil. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.

What is an example is matter?

An example of matter is anything around you. Ex. Book, Chair, Computar, or a pencil. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.