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Q: What statement has the for if A then B this means that A is true then B is always true?
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If the statement If I am hungry then I am not happy is assumed to be true is its inverse If I am not hungry then I must be happy also always true A. No B. Yes?


What is a contrapositive in math?

Contrapositives are an idea in logic which is very useful in math.We say that A implies B if whenever Statement A is true then we know that statement B is also true.So, Say that A implies B, written:A -> BThe contrapositive of this statement is:Not-B -> Not-ARemember "A implies B" means that B must be true if A is true, so if we know that B is falce, we can deduce that A couldn't be true, so it must be falce.With truth tables it can easily be shown that"A -> B" IF AND ONLY IF "Not-B -> Not-A"So when using the contrapositive, no information is lost.In math, this is often used in proofs when, while trying to demonstrate that A implies B, it is easier to show that Not-B implies Not-A and hence that A implies B.

Is every statement a theorem why?

There are many kinds of statement that are not theorems: A statement can be an axiom, that is, something that is assumed to be true without proof. It is usually self-evident, but like Euclid's parallel postulate, need not be. A statement need not be true in all circumstances - for example, A*B = B*A (commutativity) is not necessarily true for matrix multiplication. A statement can be false. A statement can be self-contradictory for example, "This statement is false".

What describes the meaning of the statement If A then B?

This describes one kind of statement that can appear in a logical syllogism or argument. If a given argument A is true, then it follows that argument B must be true. It does not automatically follow that if B is true, then A must be true.'All living humans are breathing animals' is true. [If you are a living human (A) you breathe (B).'All breathing animals are therefore human' is not true. [If you breathe (B) you are a living human (A).

How can you explain the if a then b statement?

It is a logical conditional statement which states that if some condition, a, is satisfied then another condition, b, must be satisfied. If a is not satisfied then we can say nothing about b.An equivalent statement, in a non-conditional form, is that~b or a must be TRUE, where ~b denotes not b.

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What is the if statement in java?

The if statement evaluates boolean (true or false) expressions. For example: if ( a = b ) or if (4 = 4 ) The first would be true if a was equal to b and false if not. The second would always be true seeing that 4 always equals 4.

What kind of statement has the form of 'if A then B' which means if a is true then b must be true?

An example of a conditional statement is: If I throw this ball into the air, it will come down.In "if A then B", A is the antecedent, and B is the consequent.

What is circular logic?

Circular logic would be a statement or series of statements that are true because of another statement, which is true because of the first. For example, statement A is true because statement B is true. Statement B is true because statement A is true

If the statement If I am hungry then I am not happy is assumed to be true is its inverse If I am not hungry then I must be happy also always true A. No B. Yes?


If the statement If it is midnight then the sun is not shining is assumed to be true is its reverse If the sun is not shining then it is midnight also always true and nbspA.No and nbspB.Yes?

No, it is not necessarily true

Which best describes the meaning of the statement if then b?

if a is true, then b must be true

What is converse statement?

Statement: All birds lay eggs. Converse: All animals that lay eggs are birds. Statement is true but the converse statement is not true. Statement: If line A is perpendicular to line B and also to line C, then line B is parallel to line C. Converse: If line A is perpendicular to line B and line B is parallel to line C, then line A is also perpendicular to line C. Statement is true and also converse of statement is true. Statement: If a solid bar A attracts a non-magnet B, then A must be a magnet. Converse: If a magnet A attracts a solid bar B, then B must be non-magnet. Statement is true but converse is not true (oppposite poles of magnets attract).

If the conditional statement is true what must also be true?

not b not a its contrapositive

What is an examlpe that proves that a conjecture or statement is false?

A therefore B A is true Therefore B is true Logically..... A is true A is false Therefore B is false

What generally describes the meaning of the statement If A then B?

This describes one kind of statement that can appear in a logical syllogism or argument. If a given argument A is true, then it follows that argument B must be true. It does not automatically follow that if B is true, then A must be true.'All living humans are breathing animals' is true. [If you are a living human (A) you breathe (B).'All breathing animals are therefore human' is not true. [If you breathe (B) you are a living human (A).

is this statement true or falseEither b or c can be parallel to a and d, but not both.?


What is a contrapositive in math?

Contrapositives are an idea in logic which is very useful in math.We say that A implies B if whenever Statement A is true then we know that statement B is also true.So, Say that A implies B, written:A -> BThe contrapositive of this statement is:Not-B -> Not-ARemember "A implies B" means that B must be true if A is true, so if we know that B is falce, we can deduce that A couldn't be true, so it must be falce.With truth tables it can easily be shown that"A -> B" IF AND ONLY IF "Not-B -> Not-A"So when using the contrapositive, no information is lost.In math, this is often used in proofs when, while trying to demonstrate that A implies B, it is easier to show that Not-B implies Not-A and hence that A implies B.