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Q: What statement provides the most accurate description of the 1960 presidntial election?
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Which statement about presidential caucuses and primary elections is most accurate?

Caucuses can result in informal decisions, while primaries follow typical election procedures. Explanation: APEX

What is writs of election?

A writ of election is a formal written document issued by a state Governor ordering an election to take place.

Has a president ever won the popular vote and lost the election?

In addition to presidential candidates who won the popular vote but lost the election (Al Gore in 2000 and Samuel Tilden in 1876 come to mind), there have been two people for which the statement as written is literally true:Andrew Jackson won a plurality (not a majority, but more votes than any other candidate) of both the popular and electoral vote in the presidential election of 1824. However, since there were four candidates in the race that year and none of them had a majority, the decision went to the House of Representatives, who chose John Quincy Adams instead. Jackson then went on to later became president in the election of 1828, with a clear majority of both the popular and electoral vote, so for him the statement is true in retrospect, but not at the time of the first election.Grover Cleveland also won a plurality of the popular vote in 1888 after his first term as president, though in his case he lost the electoral vote to Benjamin Harrison. He then ran again in 1892 and again won a plurality of the popular vote, but this time garnered a clear majority of the electoral vote and became president for a second time. He's the only one for whom the statement was true at the time of the election itself.

Why is continuity important from election to election?

Plans and programs are more stable when only some members of a board change at each election.

In which election did the Democrats come out in support of the repeal of Prohibition?

The 1932 election.

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What statement is the most accurate description of the 1960 presidential election?

The electoral votes total was not nearly as close as the popular vote

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roosevelt won a landslide victory!

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