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Q: What states that energy cannot be created of destroyed?
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The law of of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.?

Law of Conservation of energy

What law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

Law of energy conservation. It shows that energy cannot be created or destroyed

What scientific law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The Conservation of Energy Law.

What is the scientific rule that states energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The Law of Conservation of Energy.

This law states that energy or mass cannot be created or destroyed?

law of conservation of energy and mass

What is the law of the scientific rule that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The law of conservation of energy.

Which physical law states that energy cannot be destroyed?

That's the law of "Conservation of Energy". It also says that energy cannot be created.

What is the science rule that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The law of motion

Who said that electric charge cannot be created or destroyed?

Whoever wrote the Law of Conservation of Energy (This states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.)

Matter that is indivisible cannot be?

The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed. This is not strictly correct, as mass and energy can be inter-converted, as in nuclear reactions. Thus, 'mass and energy cannot be created or destroyed' is more accurate.

What is the main lesson of Conservations of Energy?

The Law of Conservation of mass (or energy) states that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

What states that matter cannot be created or destroyed?

The law that states that matter cannot be created or destroyed is the law of conservation created by Lavoisier.