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Q: What sticks to a magnet but does not conduct electricity?
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Does a magnet just the word magnet conduct electricity?

no it does not.

What can stick to a magnet but doesn't conduct electricity?

electric tape

What can stick to a magnet but does not conduct electricity?

a black rock

Is a magnet a insulator or conductor of electricity?

Assuming you mean electrical conductor / insulator, most bar magnets are made of solid metal, either iron, neodymium or an alloy of aluminium nickel and cobalt, so they conduct electricity. There is one type of magnet called a ferrite magnet which does not conduct electricity - they are the type often found in loudspeakers.

Is magnet is a good conductor of electricity?

Conductor of electricity is sort of the definition of a magnet. Magnets conduct electrical fields; it is what makes them magnets, in very simple terms.

Is a magnet a conductor?

A magnet will conduct electricity.

What sticks to a temporary magnet?

Anything that is attracted to a permanent magnet will be attracted to (sticks to) a temporary magnet.

Sticks to a magnet but does not coonduct electricity?

Well, that's pretty simple. There's tape, paper with glue, and anything else sticky.

Do all magnetic materials conduct electricity?

Diamagnetic substance contains no unpaired electron therefore charge cannot be transferred through moving free electron--there is no free electron. It is however theoretically possible to force the substance to conduct electricity, by setting potential difference extremely high so that bonded electrons are forced to detach from the atoms. At this point, the substance is no longer diamagnetic.

How do you supercharge a magnet?

You can supercharge a magnet by coiling a metal wire around a magnet then hooking both ends of the wire to a battery. Make sure the wire can conduct electricity and the more coils around the magnet, the better.

Do dry wooden sticks conduct electricity?

Yes and No. No. it's an insulator, and Yes, but very very little.

What sticks to iron?

A magnet.