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Umbilical Cord becomes the Ligamentum Teres or Round Ligament shortly after birth

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Q: What structure becomes the round ligament in the liver after birth?
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Related questions

1 Which structure separates the left and right lobes of the liver?

Falciform Ligament

Which structure attaches to the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm?

The falciform ligament attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm. It is a thin, fold of peritoneum that helps to support and stabilize the liver in the abdominal cavity.

Why coronary ligament of liver is known as coronary ligament?

please give the reason why coronary ligament of liver is known as coronary ligament / Challange for u

What separates the right and left lobe in the liver?

The falciform ligament.

What is the fate of the ductus arteriosus?

The ductus arteriosus typically closes shortly after birth in response to changes in oxygen levels, resulting in a structure known as the ligamentum arteriosum. In some cases, the ductus arteriosus fails to close properly, leading to a congenital heart defect known as patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), which may require surgical intervention to correct.

What part of head of femur does ligament of teres attach?

The ligament of teres is located in the liver, not the leg.

What ligament of the liver is connected to the abdomen?

following ligaments are responsible for the suspension of liver 1).falciform liament 2).ligamentum teres 3).coronary ligament 4).left and right triangular ligaments 5).ligamentum venosum

Where is the patent umbilical vein found?

The umbilical vein is found in fetuses and newborn infants. Within a week after birth, the umbilical vein is destroyed and replaced by the round ligament of the liver.

Which lobe of the liver is more anterior?

The liver's left lobe is the more anterior. The falciform ligament attaches to the anterior body wall of the liver.

A part of the Human body that starts with L?

ligament, liver, lip, lung

Peritoneal fold that Holds the liver to the anterior abdominal wall?

Falciform Ligament

What is the function of falciform ligament?

to link muscls to bones