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Arteries always carry blood from the heart. In this case, the artery is the aorta.

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Q: What structure carries oxygen rich blood away from the heart?
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What is most likely true about a structure that carries oxygen poor blood in the arm?

it carries blood toward the heart >apex<

A structure in the leg of a human is found to carry oxygen-rich red blood cells. What else is most likely true about this structure?

It carries blood toward the heart.

What structure in the leg of a human is found to carry oxygen-rich blood cells?

Its carries "oxygen rich blood" away from the heart.

7 In the leopard frog heart The right atrium carries oxygen rich blood?

In the leopard frog heart, the right atrium carries oxygen poor blood and the left atrium carries oxygen rich blood.

What carries oxygen blood from heart?

the red blood cells

What carries the blood from the heart?

Well, blood is not carried. Blood, or blood cells, carry oxygen to and from the heart, spreading it throughout the body. Blood basically carries oxygen, and it itself is not carried.

Which vessels supply the heart with oxygen-rich blood?

The pulmonary veins carries oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the heart.

What blood vessel carries oxygen or oxygen poor blood from the heart to the lungs?

pulmonary artery

What type of blood gets carried by the pulmonary artey?

The pulmonary artery carries blood away from the heart and it is low in oxygen.

What carries blood from the heart to the lunds?

The pulmonary artery carries blood from the heart to the lungs. Unlike the blood in other arteries, the blood of the pulmonary artery is oxygen-poor.

Which one vein do not carry blood with little oxygen to the heart?

The pulmonary vein carries oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the heart.

Why is the pulmonary vein the onley oxygen-rich vein in your body?

Veins and arteries are not classified by whether they carry oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor blood. They are classified according to whether they carry blood to the heart or away from the heart. Veins carry blood to the heart and arteries carry blood away from the heart. So the pulmonary vein carries blood to the heart, which is why it is a vein. Also, the pulmonary artery, which carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs is an artery because it carries blood away from the heart.