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spindle fibers

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Q: What structure disappears during telophase?
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When the nucleus disappears during prophase it fragments into which fuse to reform the nucleus during telophase?

The nuclear envelope disappears during prometaphase.

What fibrous cellular structure disappears from the screen just as the cell leaves anaphase and progresses into telophase?


When does the nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear?

The nuclear membrane disappears during prophase of mitosis and reappears during telephase

What structure forms around DNA during telophase?

The nuclear membrane constructs back up around the DNA during telophase.

When does the nucleus reappear?

False, No it is the only phase where it disappears. It directly says it comes back in telophase but may be present during all other phases EXEPT prophase.

What disappears during prometaphase?

Telophase is the final stage of cell division. During telophase, the spindle fibers disappear due to the depolymerization of the microtubules.

During what phase does nuclear membrane reappear?

Disappears in prophase and reappears in telophase.

How is prophase different from telophase?

In Prophase, the nuclear membrane disappears. In telophase, the nuclear membrane re-forms.

What is the phrase for nucleolus disappears?

It is the prophase. It comes back in telophase

What structure within the nucleus disappears during prophase?

The nuclear envelope.

What phase are nuclear membrane reform?

During mitosis, it is when the cell is in telophase.

When does the nuclear membrane disappear during mitosis?

The spindle apparatus becomes visible after stage two of mitosis. (I'm trying to remember from biology class, so i could be wrong!)