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Q: What substance has a bite like fire in bucks mouth the call of the wild?
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What do you call an external mouth guard?

You call it... An external mouth guard.

What do you call someone who likes to bite?

you call them bitefull

What do you call the mouth of the river?

The mouth

What do you call the mouth of a fish?

A mouth.

What do you call the mouth of a cow?

A mouth.

How do you call in bucks during the rut?

u call them with a doe call. . Rattle with a pair of antlers.

Do cicadas bite?

some say cicadas don't bite, and i say that's like saying mosquitoes don't bite.although cicadas don't "bite", they "may try to pierce or suck you" they do have piercing and sucking mouth parts like mosquitoes.For more information on cicada's, please see the experts on our little green friend at:Although have not been bitten by one, i have heard it is extremely painful, and there is a great deal of bacteria on them. I say since it is a mouth part, and mosquitoes have the same mouth part... lets call an ace an ace ans say yes they can "bite"... which is a painful sucking.....You be the judge

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How do bucks owners treat him in call of the wild?

badly and good

What is a substance call that does not dissolve in a liquid?

its an insoluble substance

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modern warfare used is 30 bucks , world at war 30 bucks, and modern warfare 2 40 bucks Purchase Call of Duty 3 used for $12 January 2010 and Call of Duty 4 New from Gamestop April 2010 for $18

What do people call money in us?

Dollars (doal-urs). Although some ppl call it "bucks"