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The tin in tin cans rusted rapidly unless protected by a coating. Modern "tin cans" are not made from tin and so they do not have this problem. Now they are made of aluminum.

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Q: What substance makes tin cans rust the fastest?
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Which substance makes nails rust the fastest?

coke, vinegar, tap water, any other adequate acids

What makes cans rust?

The inside of a soda can is made of aluminum that is why they do not rust they only rust if the aluminum is all scratched up.

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Bleach will cause nails to rust fastest because bleach is an oxidizing agent and rusting is an oxidation reaction.

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Iron can are electroplated with tin to prevent the cans from rusting. Tin is a metal that resists rust.

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Rust is an iron oxide.

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Because salt water has codium to make rust.

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No, I wouldn't eat anything from a rusty can. I would not eat tuna from cans with rust on them because I do not like the taste of rust and believe that would be harmful and a excellent indicator that the tuna is expired and needs to be disposed of.

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i dont know of an experiment to test this but copper will not rust, and bronze being comprised of tin and copper, the answer to which will rust fastest is steel. I hope this helps you.

What metals rust the fastest?

Iron is the only metal that rusts - rust is a specific term for that metal.

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warm water will rust metal faster

What water can make the nail rust the fastest?

Sea water can rust nails or other metals.