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Q: What substances help the regulation of pH in organisms?
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How does pH effect organisms in the stream?

it can absorb the nutrients from the cowlike substances

What substances keep the pH level in living organisms more or less constant?

buffers :D

How does NaOH help in pH regulation?

Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, has a very high pH, so it can be used to raise the pH of some mixture that is too acidic.

In organisms help prevent great changes in pH?


What are mechanisms of homeostasis'?

The processes and activities that help to maintain homeostasis are referred to as homeostatic mechanisms. for example regulation of blood pressure, regulation of pH in the body fluids and regulation of blood glucose levels.

What is the importance of knowing pH levels of substances to the wider community?

substances of ph

What substances regulate an organisms pH so it can maintain homeostasis?

There are three major systems that control pH levels. They are the respiratory system, the chemical and physiological buffering system, and the urinary system.

Is not a function of blood?

regulation of ph and osmosis

How do certain substances affect the pH level of tap water?

Acidic substances will lower pH and more alkaline or basic substances will put it above the neutral value of pH = 7

Substances acts to stabalize the pH of the solution?

Substances that act to stabilize the pH of a solution are called buffers.

Why is the buffering capacity of organic substances so important to living organisms including humans?

Most enzymes will only work at a specific pH range. A buffer will keep the pH around the enzyme from leaving this range.

Why do some substances with high pH burn your skin while substances of similar pH do not burn your skin?

The pH is not the only risk factor of a substance.