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Q: What suplies food to the developing embryo?
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In the amniote egg the is the primary food source for the developing embryo?

It's a sack and not an egg but the primary food source, the only one, is the placenta and the nutrients go via the umbilical cord.

In most mammalian species which structure supplies food to the developing embryo?

The placenta is the part of the amniotic egg that supplies food to the developing animal. The yolk provides it with food, and the albumin supplies water and nutrients.The Yolk. Yolk is a sac that is attached to the embryo that supplies food.

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Genes control the sex of a developing embryo.

How does the protein control the sex of a developing embryo?

Genes control the sex of a developing embryo.

What is the purpose of the endosperm?

The endosperm provides nutrients for the developing plant embryo. It primarily stores carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to support the growth and development of the embryo until it can photosynthesize and produce its own food.

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What supplies food to the human egg?

When the human egg is fertilized and becomes a zygote and then a developing embryo, it derives its food from the placenta.

What supplies food and oxygen for the developing embryo?

The developing embryo is nourished by the yolk sack until implantation. Upon implantation the placenta begins to develop, the placenta acts as the fetal lung , it transports oxygen to the fetus and carbon dioxide away from the fetus via the umbilical cord. The placenta also provides stored carbs for the developing fetus.

What is the function of the endosperm?

to provide nourishment to the developing embryo in a seed