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Jews had stars of David

poles had red triangle

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During the Nazi occupation Jews of some countries were forced to wear a Star of David.

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Q: What symbol did the Germans get forced to wear as Nazis?
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What was the symbol that all Jews were forced to wear and what were the other two groups forced to wear?

Jewish star.

What Jewish symbol did the Germans force the Jews to wear on their clothes?

The star of David

What was the gay symbol during the holocaust?

There wasn't one, they were not forced to wear a symbol like the Jews were forced to wear the Star of David. However, once they were in the concentration camp system they were forced to wear a badge, like all inmates were to show what crime they were gulity of, this was a pink triangle.

What did the Nazis do to separate Jews from the rest of the Germans?

they made the Jews wear the star of David and sent them to concentration camps

What was the ill or disabled symbol in the holocaust?

None. Only the Jews were forced to wear a symbol.

What symbol were Jehovah's witnesses forced to wear in German camps?

Purple triangles

Why did the Nazis pick the Star of David as something the Jews had to wear?

because it was a well know and recoginsable symbol.

Why did the Jews have to wear stars on their shirts?

Jews were forced by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe to wear a yellow star of David so that they can be instantly reconised as Jews.

What does the Israel flag have to do with the Holocaust?

The symbol of David in the flag was the same as that which the Nazis made the Jews in Europe wear on their clothing as a badge of Jewish identity.

How did the Germans now if a person was Jewish or if they were Dutch?

The Jewish people were forced to wear patches to identify them. They were also tattooed and marked with branding irons then segregated.

What did the yellow star from night mean?

The yellow star that Jewish people were forced to wear in the Holocaust, including in the book Night by Elie Wiesel, was a symbol of their identification and forced segregation by the Nazis. It served to dehumanize and isolate them while making them easy targets for discrimination and ultimately extermination in concentration camps.

What type of star did the Jews have to wear?

The Nazis forced the Jewish prisoners to wear the Star of David so they could be easily identified. This badge was yellow. That Nazis gave different badges to different groups (Eg, Homosexuals wore pink triangles, Jehovah's Witnesses wore purple triangles, ect).