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Sweat glands belong to the integumentary system.

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Q: What system do the sweat glands belong to?
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What organ system does sweat and ceruminous glands belong to?

Sudoriferous glands, or sweat glands, are part of the endocrine system.

Where do sweat glands belong?

Sweat glands belong in your skin. In one square inch of skin their are 500 sweat glands. The main jobs of sweat include reducing your body's temperature through evaporation, providing a barrier from harmful bacteria, and keeping your skin from drying out.

What system does skin belong to in the body?

Lots of things. Basically, the integumentary system includes your skin (the epidermis and the dermis) and all of the glands that like in your skin (sebacous glands, apocrine glands, sweat glands, hair follicles).


sweat glands, unfortunately i found that out after my integumentary system test in biology.

Is the phrase swollen glands refers to swelling of the sweat glands?

No, the phrase "swollen glands" does not refer to the swelling of the sweat glands. Swollen glands are the enlargement of the lymph nodes while the sweat glands are a part of the endocrine system.

What system has hair and sweat glands?

Endocrine system

What are the glands of the excretory system?

All I know, is that it is the spleen, and sweat glands....:)

What system is the adrenal glands in?

The Adrenal glands belong to the Endocrine System.

Which organ system gets rid of cellular waste products through sweat glands?

Sweat glands are part of the integumentary (skin) organ system.

What organ system includes the epidermis dermis oil and sweat glands?

The integumentary system (skin) contains the epidermis, dermis, oil glands, and sweat glands.

What is the purpose of the glands in the integumentary system?

This system contains mainly sweat glands which cool the body and oil glands which keep the skin supple.

A saltwater solution is secreted by what glands?

sudoiferous glands