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Psychologists use techniques such as free association, dream analysis, and projective tests (like the Rorschach inkblot test) to study the unconscious mind. These methods aim to uncover hidden thoughts, feelings, and motives that influence behavior and are not readily accessible to conscious awareness.

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Q: What techniques used psychologist to study the unconscious maind?
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Which psychologist Focused on unconscious factors and relied on the case study method?

Sigmund Freud, an Austrian psychologist, focused on unconscious factors and developed psychoanalysis, which relies on the case study method to explore an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Freud believed that unconscious conflicts and desires greatly influence a person's behavior and mental health.

True or false behaviorists believe that a psychologist's primary study should be directly observed behavior the unconscious mind in the key element in determining behavior?

False. Behaviorists believe that psychologists should focus on directly observable behavior rather than the unconscious mind. They emphasize the influence of external factors on behavior and disregard internal mental processes as the key element in determining behavior.

How are unconscious processes studied in modern psychology?

Unconscious processes in modern psychology are studied using techniques such as implicit measures, neuroimaging (e.g., fMRI, EEG), and behavioral experiments. These methods allow researchers to infer unconscious mental processes by examining responses that are outside of conscious awareness or control. Additionally, tools like priming and subliminal stimuli are used to investigate how unconscious factors influence behavior and cognition.

Who was the first German psychologist to study forgetting scientifically?

Hermann Ebbinghaus was the first German psychologist to study forgetting scientifically. His research on memory and forgetting led to the discovery of the "forgetting curve" and the importance of rehearsal in memory retention.

What type of psychologist examine the differences between automatic and controlled processes in thinking?

Cognitive psychologists study the differences between automatic and controlled processes in thinking. They explore how we process information, make decisions, and problem solve using both automatic (unconscious, habitual) and controlled (conscious, deliberate) mental processes.

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Which psychologist Focused on unconscious factors and relied on the case study method?

Sigmund Freud, an Austrian psychologist, focused on unconscious factors and developed psychoanalysis, which relies on the case study method to explore an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Freud believed that unconscious conflicts and desires greatly influence a person's behavior and mental health.

Why do psychologist study the sight?

psychologist study sight because it helps them have a better understanding of the human brain

What type of psychologist study the effects of overcrowding on humans?

Environmental Psychologist

What is the difference between a psychologist and experimental psychologist?

The main difference between a psychologist and experiment psychologist is that an experimental psychologist specializes in a certain area. Experimental psychologist unlike a basic psychologist applies experimental methods to the way they study mental processes and behaviors. They study processes like perception, sensation, learning and cognition.

Who study's human behavior?


What is the similarity between a psychologist and a counselor?

Counseling can be a stepping stone to being a psychologist. The difference is the degree. A counselor only needs a masters, while a psychologist needs a doctorate since psychologist are doctors who specify in the study of psychology in whatever area of psychology that they chose to study or practice in. I guess the true similarity in a psychologist and a counselor is that they both study and practice in psychology. A counselor can work for a psychologist. That's about it.

How do you be a successful psychologist in Canada?

study lots!

What type of psychologist would study the improvement of children's memory as they age from three to twelve years?

devolopmental psychologist...

What should you study at university if you want to become a criminal psychologist?

An appropriate area of study for one intending to become a criminal psychologist is criminology. Other areas of study related to human psychology may also be of assistance.

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A psychologist studies human behavior and the human body excerise.

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Name of psychologist who study cognitive behavior?

Jean Piaget