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Q: What tectonic plate does the Fernandina Island land on?
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Is New York over a tectonic plate?

yes, all land masses are on one tectonic plate or another.

What is a plate and what is the theory of plate tectonic?

The Plate Tectonic theory tells us that there are plates on which peices of sea/ land occurs. On these boundaries, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur the most.

What is a large land of mass?

A tectonic plate. When they move, they cancreate earthquakes!

Why is New Guinea considered an island?

New Guinea is an island because, first and foremost, it is surrounded by water. It is not a continent because it does not sit on its own tectonic plate: it shares the same land mass as Australia.

Is the Pacific plate and oceanic plate or continental plate?

It is oceanic

What is a large moving mass of land?

A tectonic plate. When they move, they cancreate earthquakes!

What major land masses are on the pacific plate?

There are no major land masses on the Pacific tectonic plate. There are a few various groups of islands, but nothing "major".

What is the difference between plate tectonics and tectonic plate?

Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer shell (lithosphere) is divided into large, rigid plates that move relative to each other. Tectonic plates are the individual sections of the lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath, and their interactions at plate boundaries drive processes like earthquakes, volcanism, and mountain-building. In essence, plate tectonics describes the broader concept of the movement and interactions of tectonic plates.

How are the Earths continents linked together?

There is land beneath the oceans, tectonic plate boundaries separate land masses.

Is the movement of plates to form land masses is called plate tectonics?

Tectonic Plates* :DD

What is the possible connection between the constant processes of plate tectonics and natural selection?

Plate tectonic can lead to the isolation of continental or island land masses where the processes of natural selection result in life forms unique to that land mass. This is because competition is not possible between the populations of a isolated land mass and the rest of the Earth's population.

How was Mt Kilauea formed?

As the pacific tectonic plate moved over the hawaiian hotspot, the island chain of Hawaii was created. as the hotspot burns through the pacific plate, creating a magma chamber, volcanoes are formed. And through these eruptions, land is created from the solidified lava.