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Q: What temperature does cordial freeze at?
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Why does water freeze faster than cordial?

Cordial has sugar in it. Sugar and also liquids with sugar in them freeze much more slowly than those without.

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It will freeze quicker ina colder temperature. What is the temperature ?

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How long does it take to freeze water and juice?

It depends what temperature you try to freeze it at.

What is in cordial?

cordial is to be kind

Can pipes freeze in a hot tub when not on and temperature tonight will be 11 degrees?

NO, it will not freeze.

Which would freeze at a higher temperature the great salt lake or Lake Tahoe?

The Great Salt Lake would freeze at a higher temperature than Lake Tahoe because it has a higher salinity level. The salt in the water lowers the freezing point, making it more resistant to freezing than fresh water.

Can you freeze pineapple?

You can freeze anything with water in it. Pineapple does have water, so if you drop the temperature low enough, it will freeze.

Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature needed to freeze the surface of a fresh lake?

The ocean is larger than a lake. Therefore, being larger it can absorb more heat. That is why a lower temperature is needed to freeze it.

Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature to freeze the surface of a fresh water lake?

The ocean is larger than a lake. Therefore, being larger it can absorb more heat. That is why a lower temperature is needed to freeze it.