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highest possible temperature for the water, without boiling

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1w ago

Salt dissolves fastest in water at higher temperatures. Increasing the temperature of the water provides more energy to the salt molecules, causing them to move more quickly and interact with the water molecules, thus speeding up the dissolution process.

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Q: What temperature does salt dissolve in water fastest?
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Hal wants to dissolve 100 grams of salt into 1 L of water as quickly as possible Which factor should Hal NOT consider when deciding the fastest way to dissolve the salt?

Hal should not consider the temperature of the water when deciding the fastest way to dissolve the salt. Increasing the temperature of the water usually speeds up the dissolving process, but since Hal wants to dissolve the salt as quickly as possible, he should not disregard this factor.

Does hot water dissolve more salt than cold water?

Yes. The temperature of the water helps dissolve the salt.

Kai has 200ml of water at room temperature how much salt can she dissolve in the water refer to table?

i think 50% but the hotter the temperature is the more salt will dissolve

How can you get more salt to dissolve in water?

Increase the temperature of the water.

200ml of water at room temperature how much salt can she dissolve in the water?

The amount of salt that can be dissolved in 200ml of water at room temperature depends on the solubility of salt in water. Typically, at room temperature, you can dissolve about 36 grams of salt in 200ml of water.

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Rock salt dissolves fastest in hot water.

How many grams of salt can be dissolve in 20mL?

The amount of salt that can dissolve in 20mL of water depends on the solubility of the salt at that temperature. For common table salt (sodium chloride), approximately 36 grams can dissolve in 20mL of water at room temperature.

What is the variable of sugar and salt?

The variable for both sugar and salt is temperature: more sugar or salt will dissolve in water at a higher temperature. The amount of water is also a factor, since more water will be able to dissolve more sugar or salt.

Does cold water dissolve more than hot water?

Yes. The temperature of the water helps dissolve the salt.

Can carbonated water make salt dissolve faster?

The answer depends on the temperature of both water. But salt would dissolve faster in boiling water than it could in carbonated water at room temperature.

How long does it take to disolve salt in water?

The time it takes to dissolve salt in water depends on factors like temperature, amount of stirring, and type of salt. Generally, it should dissolve within a few minutes in room temperature water with gentle stirring.

Does the temperature of water affect how rapidly salt will dissolve?

the hottter the temperature the faster salt dissolves