

What temperature is absolute zero in F?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What temperature is absolute zero in F?
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What temperature is absolute zero in C and F?

Absolute zero = 0 K = -273.15°C

What temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is absolute zero?

-459.67 F

Can a temperature hit -852 degree F?

No. Absolute zero is −459.67°F. This is the absolute lowest temperature that cannot be exceeded. - 273.15 oC

What does the absolute temperature scale use as its reference temperature?

-459.67 F Which is absolute zero and that is the temperature at which all molecular activity stops.

What is the temperature of an object where it is half as hot as 80 Fahrenheit?

Absolute zero is -459.67°F, so +80°F is 539.67° above absolute zero. Half of that would be 269.835°. Subtracting that from 80°F gives your answer of -189.835°F.

Is zero degrees Kelvin absolute temperature?

It is absolute zero.

What is the temperature at which no more energy can be removed from matter?

Absolute zero. On the Kelvin scale of heat measurement, 0K is the point at which no more energy can be removed or −273.15°C / −459.67°F. There is not enough energy there at 0K to transfer any movement from the substance to another substance.

The temperature -273 degrees Celsius is called?

That is called "absolute zero". It is the starting point of the Kelvin temperature scale.That is called "absolute zero". It is the starting point of the Kelvin temperature scale.That is called "absolute zero". It is the starting point of the Kelvin temperature scale.That is called "absolute zero". It is the starting point of the Kelvin temperature scale.

What is the temperature at which all molecular motion stops?

This is called absolute zero. The temperature is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius.

Is there absolute maximum temperature like absolute zero minimum temperature?


How do you use absolute zero in a sentence?

Nothing moves when the temperature is at absolute zero.

What scale shows absolute zero as zero?

Kelvin temperature scale uses absolute zero as the zero. Though you can find absolute zero in all temperature scales i.e. −459.67 degrees Fahrenheit and -273.15 degrees Celsius. But Kelvin is the scale that absolute zero is 0.