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It is plus three degrees.

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Q: What temperature is ten degrees higher than minus seven degrees?
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What temperature is ten degrees higher than seven degrees?

Ten degrees higher than seven degrees is seventeen degrees.

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What is the temperature if it starts with -3 degrees and rises by seven?

55 -3 degrees plus 7 degrees is 4 degrees.

What temperature is 15 degrees lower than seven degrees celcius?

15 degrees lower than 7 degrees Celsius is -8 degrees Celsius.

What temperature is 15 degrees lower than seven degrees Celsius?

Eight degrees below zero Celsius. It is a subtraction problem.

What is twelve minus seven?

Twelve minus seven is five

What is three minus seven?

three minus seven is four

How many degrees would the temperature have to rise from a negative seven degrees Celsius to reach eleven degrees Celsius?

It would have to rise 18 degrees Celsius.

What tempersture is 10 degrees lower than seven degrees celsius?

What TEMPERATURE is 10 degrees lower than seven degrees celsius? The answer is negative 3 degrees. 7 - 7 = 0 (Still have 3 keft over) 0 - 3 = - 3 =) x

When will the caterpillar c7 engine begin to overheat and the Max Temperature of operation?

A Caterpillar see seven diesel engine will begin to overheat at a water temperature of 210 degrees. The recommended operating water temperature is 180 degrees.

'your body normally maintains a body temperature of thirty seven degrees c' this is an example of what?


What is the average body temperature of a healthy adult?

If you mean body temperature, then it would be (thirty seven degrees celsius) as any other human's average body temperature should be.