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The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

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Jimmy Mueller

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2y ago
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"Survival of the fittest" is a term describing the process of evolution by natural selection. It indicates those best adapted to their environment (the fittest) will thrive (survive) and, naturally, contribute to the long-term success of the species while those less fit will die off.

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Q: What term can be used to describe evolution by natural selection'?
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What term be used to describe evolution by natural selection?

The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

What can be used to describe evolution by natural selection?

The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

What term can be used to describe evolution by natural?

The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

What term can be used to describe by natural selection?

The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

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Natural Selection

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the theory about how organisms change over time.

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What term can be used to describe natural selection?

Survival of the fittest

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The term used to describe gradual and sporadic changes in nature and throughout the universe is evolution. Evolution is the process by which organisms change over time through genetic variation and natural selection.

What is another term of survival of the fittest?

Natural selection- which is the mechanism driving evolution

Why does evolutionists claim that natural selection supports evolution?

Because it does! Natural selection is the best explanation of adaptive change that we have and drives much of evolution. talkorigins.orgPS: Evolutionists is an ideological, not a scientific term