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Q: What term means regulating body temperature internally?
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What is the medium for regulating body temperature?

medium for regulating body temperature is water

What is a thermoconformer?

An animal that cannot regulate its body temperature internally is a thermoconformer. One that can regulate its body temperature internally is a thermoregulator.

Does the hypothalmus regulate body temperature?

The hypothalamus does play a role in regulating body temperature

What is the main function of the hypothalamus?

Regulating body temperature

Describe the role that your skin plays in regulating body temperature?

Your skin helps regulate your body temperature by keeping you cool.

The medium for all body fluids and for regulating the body temperature is?

Internal environment

The medium for all body fluids and for regulating the bodys temperature?


What is the medium for all body fluids and for regulating the body's temperature?

water water water

Is sweating healthy?

Sweating is a necessary function of the body. It aids in removing toxins from the body and regulating body temperature.

Are amphibians endotherms?

endotherms are the animals (or whatever) that have internal metabolic means for regulating their constant body temperature . but amphibians have to keep themselves in an environment that match their body temperature. so they are ectotherms and not endotherms. they maintain their body temp. by changing their exposure to sunlight, contact with ground, and hibernation etc

Importance of temperature-regulating mechanisms in organisms?

The ability to regulate one's temperature is a means of survival. When your body can't maintain homeostasis then you will have a problem continuing to breathe because all systems require balance.

Importance of temperature regulating mechanisms in organisms?

The ability to regulate one's temperature is a means of survival. When your body can't maintain homeostasis then you will have a problem continuing to breathe because all systems require balance.