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Q: What term refers to the 19 century belief that married women's activities should be limited to housework and the family?
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What term refers to the 19th- century belief that married women's activities should be limited to housework and family?

Cult of Domesticity

What term refers to the 19th century belief that married women actives should be limited to housework and family?

cult of domesticity

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Do married men and women perform equal amounts of housework.?

On average, studies show that married women tend to perform more housework compared to married men, even when both partners work full-time. This discrepancy is often referred to as the "gendered division of labor" within households.

What does having a baby out of wedlock in the fourteenth century mean?

Having a child "out of wedlock" means that the parents are not married, and therefore the child is illegitimate. The phrase is not limited to the 14th Century, but is still used.

What where the main duties of women in Athens?

Women in Athens were controlled by their father until they were married, but once they were married their spouse was in charge of them. They were in charge of housework, such as cleaning and cooking, and usually only left the house for religious duties.

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money, lack of intimacy, dinner, snoring, work, doing housework

Escort of married women 18th century Italy?

Cicisbeo were the male escorts of married women in 18th century Italy.

When did Andy Griffith divorced?

They married in the 1980s and are still happily married

Where can lonely married women find a group of activities enjoy by other women?

Lonely married women can find a group of activities to be enjoyed by other women at a local coffee shop. Many cafes will have a variety of activities for women to attend.

When did Saint Anne get married?

We have no information about when Anne and Joachim married. It was probably in the middle of the first century B.C.

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