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Q: What the Puritans wanted to go to Virginia so they?
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Why was the success of the Massachusetts Bay Colony so important to the Puritans?

because the puritans wanted riligous freedom

Why was success of the Massachusetts BAy Colony so important to the Puritans?

because the puritans wanted riligous freedom

Who wanted freedom of religion the pilgrims or puritans?

puritans and pilgrims are the same. So both. Pilgrim is just a different name for puritan.

Who wanted freedom of religion pilgrims or puritans?

puritans and pilgrims are the same. So both. Pilgrim is just a different name for puritan.

Why did the Puritans settle in the New Jersey colony?

because the puritans wanted religious freedom so they moved to america and landed in new jersey :)

Why did the Pilgrims go to Massachusetts instead of to Virginia?

They meant to go to Virginia but there was a storm that made them go off course and made them go to Massachusetts. The ship was low on provisions and they were out of beer, so the Captain landed them at what is now Plymouth.

What did the puritan's want to find in America?

the Puritans wanted to make America their New Jerusalem but sin followed them to America so it couldn't be their New Jerusalem.

Why did they start Connecticut New England?

The reason why they wanted or start Connecticut was so Puritans was so they can practice their own religious ways.

What is similar about pilgrims and puritans?

The Puritans and Quakers both held onto their religions very strongly and wanted to follow God in their own ways. They also both came to be because they didn't want to conform to the Church of England. So, even though the Quakers and Puritans were very different and persecuted each other for their beliefs, they were alike in some ways. Sincerely, Kirsten, an eighth grader:)

Why did the puritan's support public education?

One reason the Puritans supported public education was so their children could learn to read. They wanted their children to be able to read The Bible.

Were did the puritans come from?

The Puritans were from England. They believed that the Church of England was too much like the Catholic Church. They settled in what became Massachusetts and revived what they believed was the proper form of Anglican Protestantism.

Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans establish colonies in New England?

The Pilgrims didn't settle in New England because they wanted to, but because they saw that it was land. They simply wanted to settle where there was no ruler and wanted to end their long journey. They were trying to get to Virginia but got lost.