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I don't believe there is anything in The Bible about marriage underage, since in most marriages in the Bible, the girl would be considered "underage". Puberty was when girls were put into arranged marriages in Biblical times.

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The Bible doesn't say anything about underage marriage but the Bible says obey the laws of the land.

Romans 13:1 Everyone must obey state authorities, because no authority exists without God's permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God.

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Q: Does the bible allow underage marriage?
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Does Oregon Allow Underage marriage?

You can marry with parental consent at 16

What are some good titles for essays dealing with underage marriage?

"Childhood Stolen: Addressing the Issue of Underage Marriage" "Breaking the Cycle: The Impact of Underage Marriage on Young Lives" "Protecting Our Youth: Combating Underage Marriage Around the World" "Lost Innocence: Exploring the Harmful Effects of Early Marriage on Children"

What will happen if underage marry without parent permission?

i think nothing will happen why not she has her rights to marry because i think marry for girls is good if she wants it and its better than make sex without marriage i do not know why they allow sex to underage and prevent marriage its not fair laws

Do parents have to consent to underage marriage if the bride is pregnant?

Not for the underage bride.However, if the male is underage he will need his parents permission.Besides in FL.

Is pre-marital sex in the Bible?

Yes, pre-marital sex is mentioned in the Bible. The Bible does not allow it it advocates for purity till marriage.

Does your guardian have to be present at court for underage marriage?

yes they do

If the girl is 15 but has a baby is it legal for her to get married in the state of North Carolina?

In NC a pregnant 15-year-old can ask for court approval to marry. A judge may approve the marriage if they find that 'the underage party is capable of assuming the responsibilities of marriage and the marriage will serve the best interest of the underage party'. However, be aware that there is a presumption that 'the marriage will not serve the best interest of the underage party when all living parents of the underage party oppose the marriage. The fact that the female is pregnant, or has given birth to a child, alone does not establish that the best interest of the underage party will be served by the marriage'. So if Mom and Dad oppose the marriage...

Do both parents have to sign for an underage marriage in Texas?


In Mississippi can you get marriage underage without parent consent?

No, you can't.

In the state of Texas can you petition the judge for underage marriage?


Can charges be brought against an adult who marries a teen with parental consent?

well yes and no actually. because during the marriage, the parents have to be there to allow their underage child to get married,and there has to be a written agreement by the parents. if their isn't, then yes, the adult marrying the underage child will have charges against him or her.The marriage actually cannot happen without the parents there,which is most important.

Are you considered an adult if you get married underage with parent consent?

Parental consent has nothing to do with the laws in place. If you are underage by the laws view, you are still underage. if you wonder if marriage emancipates you, yes it does.