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Q: What the disadvantages design out of maintenance?
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What are disadvantages of Website?

There are no real disadvantages to websites other than perhaps maintenance costs associated with running them such as hosting, design, content, advertising, etc. Websites are excellent marketing and sales tools in the internet age.

What are the disadvantages of total productive maintenance?

The disadvantages of total productive maintenance are that it is time consuming and challenging to implement. However, it does serve as a way to control methods of production.

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More effort to accomplish the same thing. In Aerodynamics Drag causes the vehicles to slow down, the faster they are going the more drag they experience and the much more fuel is needed increasing the costs of maintenance and greatly influencing how vehicles are design.

What are the disadvantages of interior design?

It is very competitive :)

How can designing and building better bridges result in less time spent on maintenance?

it is possible to design-in features that mean less maintenance is needed, or that the maintenance can be performed less often, or with less labor, or with less expensive materials. this is generally called maintainability or design for maintenance.

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Disadvantage: Capital cost, efficiency losses, added maintenance and service costs.

What are the disadvantages of CAD (computer aided design)?

The disadvantages of Computer aided design are the extreamly expensive price and A lot of expensive training.Also the software is good value and good quality.

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A web design surrey is used for web site design and maintenance, Illustration, 3D images and animation, database design, Audio editing and composition.

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Some disadvantages of design patterns include: potential for over-engineering if applied unnecessarily, increased complexity for simpler projects, and difficulty for junior developers to understand and apply effectively.


Design Testing Operations and Maintenance