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Q: What the name of answer multiply?
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What is the name for the numbers that multiply?

The product.

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What is the name of the two number you multiply together?

Factors. example: 2 x 2 = 4 there, 2 and 2 are the 2 numbers you multiply, factors are the numbers you multiply together. It can be more that 2 factors.

Name two simple machine in case in which you multiply force?

crowbar &seesaw

Name and explain the six conditions bacteria multiply?

Nutrients: Bacteria need sources of carbon, nitrogen, and other essential nutrients for growth. Moisture: Bacteria require a certain level of water to function and reproduce. pH level: Bacteria thrive within specific pH ranges, with most preferring near-neutral conditions. Temperature: Bacteria have optimal temperature ranges for multiplication. Oxygen: Some bacteria need oxygen to multiply (aerobic), while others can grow in its absence (anaerobic). Time: Bacteria need a certain amount of time to go through their growth and division cycles.

What is another name for multiply?

increase, grow, accumulate, proliferate, mushroom, snowball.

What is the name of the number used to multiply?

Multiplicand times multiplier equals product

What is a name for PEMDAS?

you can call it... Parentheses Exponent Multiply Divide Add Subtract