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to be very tough and able to do sth extremely difficult

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Q: What the phrase whip your weight in wildcats means?
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In tom sawyer the book what does the slang words tan you mean?

In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," the phrase "tan you" is slang for scolding or reprimanding someone. It essentially means to rebuke or criticize someone for their actions.

How many weight watcher points in miracle whip?

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Where does the phrase fair crack of the whip come from?

The phrase "fair crack of the whip" originated in Australia and comes from the practice of horse racing. It refers to giving everyone an equitable and just opportunity or chance to compete or succeed.

What is whip in cooking?

Whip means to incorporate air into a food or batter, using a whisk or mixer with a whip setting.

What is a flog?

yes it means to beat with a whip or rod

What means whip or win?


What is the origin of the phrase 'Smart as a whip'?

Like the crack of a whip, quick and painfully on the mark. Analogous to "Smart as a tack" or "Whipper snapper". Opposite of "dumb as a sack of hammers."

Is 8 oz cool whip equal to 2 cups?

8oz by weight or volume? by volume 8oz is 1 cup. By weight every ingredient would be different I imagine 8oz by weight of Cool Whip would be a lot since its just whipped oil. ** According to Kraft's webpages, 8 oz of cool whip is about 3 cups (important to know if you're making the jello cool whip pie and didn't get the smaller tub of cool whip!). :)

What does flagellum mean in Latin?

It means "whip". :]

What is the meaning of the term cracking the whip?

To crack the whip means to make employees or other underlings work harder.

What does whip you into shape mean?

The phrase "whip you into shape" refers to using discipline of some kind (which may not actually involve whips) to get you to do what you are supposed to do, or to develop some capability which has so far eluded you.