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In our solar system there is only one star let alone any "largest star" so the phrasing of the question seems a bit confusing. Does the question mean a solar system somewhere out there that has a double star at its center with celestial objects revolving around the larger of those two stars???

Anyway, the planet Mercury revolves around our Sun or star faster than any of the other planets, that being 88 days. But maybe this isn't even a correct answer. After all, just because Mercury takes fewer days to revolve around the Sun, that doesn't mean it is moving "fastest" around the Sun. However, according to astronomy today (see related links), Mercury does indeed have the fastest orbital velocity, moving at 47.87 km per second.

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Q: What thing holds the celestial record for fastest revolution around the solar systems largest star?
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What is the name of the celestial record for the fastest revolution around the solar systems largest star?

I'm not quite sure what the question is talking about, but that has never stopped me before. There is only one star in the solar system, so by every law, lemma, and conjecture of mathematical impenetrability, that one and the largest one must be one and the same. It is the one we call the "Sun". The fastest revolution known around the sun is that of the planet Mercury, which completes an orbital circuit of the sun every 88 days. If there is any object with a shorter period of revolution, then all or most of its orbit must be closer to the sun than the orbit of Mercury. No such object has yet been discovered.

What thing holds the celestial record for the fastest revolution around the solar systems largest star?

In our solar system there is only one star let alone any "largest star" so the phrasing of the question seems a bit confusing. Does the question mean a solar system somewhere out there that has a double star at its center with celestial objects revolving around the larger of those two stars??? Anyway, the planet Mercury revolves around our Sun or star faster than any of the other planets, that being 88 days. But maybe this isn't even a correct answer. After all, just because Mercury takes fewer days to revolve around the Sun, that doesn't mean it is moving "fastest" around the Sun. However, according to astronomy today (see related links), Mercury does indeed have the fastest orbital velocity, moving at 47.87 km per second.

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The answer is False.

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