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Some common causes are... Relationship break-ups, lower exam results than expected, loss of a job, death of a pop idol (or other famous person), Family break-up (parental divorce) and being bullied.

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Q: What things might cause a young person to attempt or complete suicide?
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What are 3 suicide risk factors?

Depression, or deep sadness is a major risk factor for suicide. Feelings of hopelessness is another; this may be the most crucial symptom. If a person feels as though there is no hope of things ever getting better for them, they may give up. Drug or alcohol addiction can be a contributing factor as well.

What are suicide precautions?

It is a list of things people do to help prevent others in their care from suicide. Such things would include searching for weapons, watching them intensely (even while using the toilet), counting silverware to make sure there are no missing forks/knives, not letting those on suicide watch have belts, sheets, or shoelaces, etc.

Should comit suicide?

No no no no no. Trust me things will get better go seek help in meantime

How does the Mormon church view suicide?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) takes a sympathetic approach to mental illness and suicide, and has recently begun a campaign to support individuals and families affected by such things. The Church teaches that taking your own life is generally wrong, but that a person who commits suicide may not be responsible for their actions. The Church teaches that only God can judge the individual because He knows their genetic and chemical makeup as well as their individual circumstances.If you'd like to learn more about the Church's view and teachings on suicide, please see

How can you tell if someone wants to commit suicide now?

There is no method that will be accurate all the time, but there are things to do and to watch for. First, it is a myth that asking people if they are going to commit suicide is going to put thoughts into their heads that weren't there before. If you are concerned enough, by all means ask: Are you going to commit suicide? or: Are you going to hurt or kill yourself, accidentally or on purpose? People will not always answer truthfully, but sometimes they will. If a person says yes, then you can (and should) take steps to keep them safe.If you know that a person has been dealing with depression for a long time, or has been talking about dying, ending it, or being 'at the end of my rope', then that person may be at risk. Ask outright, or let the person's caregiver of partner know what is going on.If you notice that a person who has been very depressed suddenly appears lifted out of the depression, calm, relaxed and at peace, this may be a sign that the person has made a decision to suicide and has probably established a plan and a time frame. Ask some questions; don't just sit back, relieved that your friend is no longer depressed.

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What do Catholic believe about a person who kills themself?

Catholics believe that suicide is a mortal sin. However, if the person who committed suicide did so without full knowledge or without complete consent, then it is possible that they can get to heaven. Catholics can not know if these things are happening, so they pray for those who have taken their own lives.

Can low self esteem and self-loathing cause suicide?

Yes, low self-esteem and self-loathing can be contributing factors to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Individuals who struggle with these issues may feel hopeless, worthless, and have difficulty coping with distressing emotions, which can increase their risk of suicide. It is important for anyone experiencing these feelings to seek help from a mental health professional or a crisis support service.

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Basically, the only things you can do are catch rare Pokemon and attempt to complete your national pokedex.

What keeps a person from committing suicide?

Being alive, looking forward for things, friends, family, lovers, dreams and goals.

Do people commit suicide because of their mother?

There are a lot of things that can lead a person to do that. No single one cause can drive a person like that. just my opinion. But yes, one's mother can contribute.

What is the mandatory help for attempting suicide?

People who attempt suicide or threaten suicide must be treated by professionals. Many times, their loved ones try to "handle things" themselves, and this almost always ends badly. Suicidal people must be taught how to change their unhealthy thinking patterns, and they often need medication. If someone threatens to harm themselves, or if they attempt to harm themselves, you need to either call for an ambulance or help them get to the hospital. Do not try to take care of them yourself beyond bandaging anything that is bleeding.

William Carey motto is?

expect great things from God; attempt great things for God

What chapter does it discuss suicide in things fall apart?

The last chapter discusses a clan member's suicide.

What are some things that are thought to place a young person at greater risk for attempting suicide?

A history of drug use Mental illness An abusive or neglectful environment

What is the story behind skillet's say goodbye?

Its about suicide and just like the last night and John cooper the singer and bass player is playing god telling that person not to say goodbye to the world because there is a lot of things beautiful things and if you commit suicide there will be no more of that no more talking laughing. No more enjoying the world for what it is

How do you get your ex back when they are in another relationship?

Be yourself, (except if yourself is a complete idiot) don't rush into things, and find things about the other person that you can use against them. ;)