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Q: What three basic questions must every society answer and why?
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What are the three basic economic questions that every society must face?

What to produce How much to produce and for whom to produce LOL idk if thats right .... :)

What three basic economic questions must be answered by every society?

What goods and services should be produced?How should the goods and services be produced?Who should get the goods and services?

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In every type of economy? How about -- growth rate, employment rate, and trade balance.

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Societies answer the three economic questions based on their values!

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What are the three types of questions?

The three types of questions are closed-ended questions, open-ended questions, and probing questions. Closed-ended questions have specific answer choices (e.g., yes or no), open-ended questions allow for varied responses, and probing questions dig deeper into a topic or response.

What are three economic choices every society must make?

The three economic choices every society must make is what the society will produce, how it will be produced, and who will get what is produced.

How a society answers the three economic questions defines?


What three basic questions do economic systems address?

Economists also study how economic systems address three basic questions: What shall we produce?; How shall we produce it?; For whom shall we produce it?

The three basic economic questions are what to produce where to produce and how to distribute?


What are three basic econmic questions?

what to produce? how to produce it? for whom to produce it?