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All chordates will have (in some stage of their life) a

  • dorsal, hollow nerve cord
  • a flexible, rodlike, internal supporting structure called a notochord
  • paired gill slits in the throat region
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13y ago
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1d ago

All chordates share three characteristics: a notochord (flexible rod providing support), a dorsal hollow nerve cord (nerve cord dorsal to the notochord), and pharyngeal slits (openings in the pharynx for filter feeding or gas exchange).

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8y ago

All chordates have a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, a flexible, rodlike, internal supporting structure called a notochord, and paired gill slits in the throat region at some point in their lives.

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10y ago

Chordates share a few characteristics. The three characteristics that all chordates share are as follows; they have a single and hollow nerve cord beneath the dorsal surfaces, the post-anal tail extends beyond the anus, and they are segmented.

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9y ago

All chordates have a hollow nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal pouches, and a postanal tail. Some examples of chordates are humans, eagles, turtles, and jellyfish.

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Q: What three characteristics do all chordates share?
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What are the characteristics that all chordates share?

a hollow nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal pouches, and a postanal tail

What are the 3 characterios do all chordates share?

There are several characteristics that all chordatas share, including a dorsal hollow nerve cord. They also all will have pharyngeal slits and a notochord.

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All Chordates have(in part of their life or another) A Notochord A hollow dorsal nerve cord A post-anal tail

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