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Q: What three farming methods increase the rate of soil erosion?
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erosion rakliud

What are three methods to prevent erosion?

prevent overgrazing

What are three methods of preventing soil erosion?

-by increasing the planting -

What farming methods were used in medieval japan?

the three field system

What were the first three important states to try modern farming methods in India?

Punjab , Haryana and western Uttar pradesh were the first to try out the modern farming methods in India

What were three inventions that helped people farm the plains?

barbed wire, steel plows, and dry farming methods.

1 Name at least three methods of soil conservation and regeneration that help to minimize erosion and promote sustainable soil use?

we can prevent soil erosion by: afforestation checking overgrazing (by animals)

List three methods of soil conservation that helps to prevent the loss of soil?

contour plowing, terracing, and no-till farming

What are three transporting agents of erosion?

water erosion, wind erosion, and glacial erosion.

What are three ways to prevent a beach orison?

Erosion affects and shapes the entire world. From the mountains to the coast, erosion is evident everywhere. Since erosion is unavoidable, the problem becomes discovering ways to prevent it. Present beach erosion prevention methods include sand dunes, vegetation, seawalls, sandbags, and sand fences.

Did the Aztecs have any advanced farming techniques?

Yes, the Aztecs had advanced farming techniques such as chinampas, which were floating gardens built on lakebeds that allowed for high crop yields. They also practiced terraced farming on hillsides and used irrigation systems to supply water to their crops.

What are the three forms of erosion water wind and?

the three types of erosion are wind, water and ICE