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Gravel, organic matter, sand.

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Cobalt, nickel, tin

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Q: What three kinds of materials that can form terranes?
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A collage is an art form using materials that can be glued, nailed, stapled, or sewn down to a surface to make an image.A relief collage is using this technique with three dimensional objects that form a relief surface.A collage is normally a flat surface with usually flat materials that form an image. A relief collage is a three dimensional image.

What two forms might terranes take when they becomes part of a continent?

When terranes become part of a continent, they can either become fused with the existing continental crust through uplift and compression, creating a mountain range or orogenic belt; or they can remain as distinct blocks within the continental crust, preserving their original geologic features and boundaries.

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They form by sediments of rocks getting squeezed together at the bottom of a lake. Some of those rocks are Conglomerate, Limestone, and Sandstone.

What materials harden to form a fossil?

Organic materials

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The pooper scale is used to form different kinds of rocks.

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A collage is an art form using materials that can be glued, nailed, stapled, or sewn down to a surface to make an image. A collage is normally a flat surface with usually flat materials that form an image. A 3D collage has a three dimensional image.

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