

Best Answer
  1. Superior vena cava
  2. Inferior vena cava
  3. coronary sinus
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13y ago
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15y ago

The superior vena cava, the inferior vena cava and the coronary sinus.

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12y ago

Superior and inferior vena cavae and the coronary sinus, mainly.

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12y ago

coronary blood, inferior venacava blood,superior venacava blood

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13y ago

The three vessels would be: inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, and the coronary sinus.

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Q: What three vessels drain into the right atrium?
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What keeps the blood from flowing back into the right atrium after it has entered the right ventricle?

The tricuspid valve prevents the backflow of blood to the right atrium..The tricuspid valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle. It opens to allow the de-oxygenated blood collected in the right atrium to flow into the right ventricle. It closes as the right ventricle contracts, preventing blood from returning to the right atrium; thereby, forcing it to exit through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery.

How many flaps does a tricuspid valve have?

The tricuspid valve has three leaflets, or flaps, hence its name "tri" cuspid. These flaps help regulate the flow of blood between the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart.

What does the tricuspid valve prevent?

The tricuspid valve prevents the backflow of blood from the right ventricle to the right atrium in the heart. It ensures that blood flows in one direction, from the atrium to the ventricle, during the heart's pumping cycle.

What are the three components of the cardiovascular system?

The three components of the cardiovascular system are the heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), and blood. The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels, which transport oxygen, nutrients, and waste products throughout the body.

What is the main three parts of the human body?

The main three parts of the human body are the head, trunk (which includes the chest, abdomen, and pelvis), and limbs (arms and legs). These parts are further divided into different systems and organs that work together to allow the body to function properly.

Related questions

What are the three blood vessels that drain into the right atrium?

As far as know they are the Coronary Sinus, the Superior Vena Cava and the Inferior Vena Cava.

Blood enters the right atrium of the heart from the?

Three vessels drain into the right atrium, the Ascending vena cava, the descending vena cava and the coronary sinus.

How many hearts do commodore dragons have?

The Komodo Dragon has one heart, which has three different chambers the left atrium, right atrium, and ventricle.

What are the major organs in the circulatory?

The MAJOR organs in the circulatory system are three. Heart, Lungs, and Brain. Without any one of these three organs the circulatory system ceases to function. Actually, Left ventricle pumps blood to body through the vessels, goes to right atrium, goes to right ventricle where it goes through the lung to get oxygen, goes to left atrium, then back to left ventricle. Brain is nervour system, lungs are respitory system.

Heart chamber that blood enters after passing through the tricuspid valve?

The tricuspid is an atrioventricular valve located on the right side of the heart, between the right atrium and right ventricle. It is called a tricuspid because it has three valves. The blood flows towards the right.

What valve separates the right atrium and and the right ventricle?

The right atrioventricular valve (or right AV valve), also called the tricuspid valve, (for its three leafletlobes) controls the flow of blood between the right atrium and right ventricle. (The opening itself is the "right atrioventricular canal.") It prevents dexoygenated blood from regurgitating back into the right atrium. The vale is called "tricuspid" because of its three leaflets; it must be noted however, that the tricuspid valve can contain between two and four leaflets.

What valve separate the right atrium and the right ventricles?

The right atrioventricular valve (or right AV valve), also called the tricuspid valve, (for its three leafletlobes) controls the flow of blood between the right atrium and right ventricle. (The opening itself is the "right atrioventricular canal.") It prevents dexoygenated blood from regurgitating back into the right atrium. The vale is called "tricuspid" because of its three leaflets; it must be noted however, that the tricuspid valve can contain between two and four leaflets.

How many chambers are there in the heart?

Depends on the species. Mammals and birds usually have four. Amphibians and some reptiles have three. Four. 1.Left Atrium. 2. Right Atrium. 3. Left ventricle. 4. Right ventricle. There are four chambers in the human heart, a left and right atrium and a left and right ventricle. There are 4 chambers in a heart.

How many heart chambers do osteichthyes's have?

Amphibians have three heart chambers: two atria and a single ventricle.The atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the blood vessels (veins) that drain the various organs of the body.The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and skin (which also serves as a gas exchange organ in most amphibians).Both atria empty into the single ventricle.

What keeps the blood from flowing back into the right atrium after it has entered the right ventricle?

The tricuspid valve prevents the backflow of blood to the right atrium..The tricuspid valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle. It opens to allow the de-oxygenated blood collected in the right atrium to flow into the right ventricle. It closes as the right ventricle contracts, preventing blood from returning to the right atrium; thereby, forcing it to exit through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery.

What are the chambers in a pig heart?

A pig heart has four chambers: the right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, and left ventricle. Blood enters the heart through the right atrium, flows into the right ventricle, then is pumped to the lungs for oxygenation. Oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart through the left atrium, is pumped into the body through the left ventricle.

How many chambers of the heart does the perch have and how does this affect the blood circulation?

the perch has three chambers, and the left atrium releases oxygen rich blood to the body and right atrium brings oxygen poor blood to the heart.